Tuesday, October 30, 2007


bingung bgt, kadang2 tuh gw belakangan ini mikir. Koq kayanya tiap semester tuh kena pressure abies2an ya. Last time I said that I don't care about points anymore tapi sekarang tuh perasaan gimana yah. Gw tuh mikir ga mao jadi org pinter2 bgt, GPA juga cukup seadanya ga harus ampe jadi dean's list ato something like honor society. Well itu sieh yang gw kepikir belakangan ini. Rasanya tuh kalo udah sukses satu kali aja, orang2 dan especially my parents tuh bakal berharap banyak bgt dari gw untuk nerusin next semester. Well, terus terang gw ga suka banget ama yang beginian. Diomongin terus, koq nilai lu jadi jelek sieh bla,bla,bla. Halow, gw disini manusia. tak ada gading yang tak retak, gw juga berhak untuk gagal. Sudah 4 taon ini hak gw untuk gagal ini rasanya direnggut ama orang2 disekitar gw dan diri gw sendiri. Meskipun doesn't care about points tetep aja tuh kayanya gw mesti perfect in everything. Yah terus terang udah bosen aja ama hal2 kaya ginian. Pengen rasanya tuh gw pake mesin waktu terus ulang masa lalu gw dan bikin nilai gw jelek semua dari SD jadinya orang2 ga berharap banyak dari gw. Mulai dari ministry juga, lama2 koq kena dampaknya ya. Udah doa sejak lama tapi tetep aja live by faith itu enga gampang especially when you have to do everything by yourself every friday preparing caregroup and make sure everything will go allright. Then kalo udah nyiapin capek2 orang2 bisa dengan santai ngomong, gw banyak exam, HW bla bla, gw ada acara inilah. Duh, bener2 deh itu ujian, kalo gw mao bales lu pikir gw enga sama kaya lu !!!! Spend 2 hours aja buat kumpul sama2 cari Tuhan aja apa susahnya sieh. Lagian kita mana bisa sukses kalo inti hidup kita tuh cuma belajar tiap hari dan spend God's word only for yourself. Udah mao marah rasanya berkali kali deh. Tapi untungnya Tuhan itu baek, gw enga sampe semprot siapapun selama ini. Lama2 gw tuh kena dampaknya dan kerasa banget waktu saat teduh. Emank bener kalo Tuhan ngomong enga gampang ngikutin dia. Tapi tuh kadang2 gw ngerasa itu salah gw karena gw kurang communication ama orang laen. Kurang minta tolong, tapi kalo elu ditolakin org terus menerus sampe kapan lu mao minta tolong ? Gw mikir kaya gt, belom lagi masalah ada org acting like a child, ga mao ini kalo ada itu. Capek lah gw, udah bohwat kalo ngerasa jadi diri gw sendiri. Lom pressure yg dirasa dari org2, masa preparing sharing enga capek ? Jelas itu capek bgt dan lama2 tuh gw jadi enga kerasa enjoy. Mao rasanya tuh gw ada waktu lamaan buat doa dulu sebelom share firman Tuhan tapi koq ada2 aja gt, masalah orang minta dijemput, etc2. Duh kalo inget ini pengen balik ke jamannya Debora dimana banyak orang yg bs sharing dan banyak yg punya mobil. Pengen bgt komplaint ini itu banyak bgt. Rasanya gimana yah, capek lah. Seperti gw bilang live by Faith paling susah adalah kalo lu enga ngeliat ada yg berubah ama sekali selama 1 taon. Terus terang aja ada banyak alasan buat gw to quit in everything, ga mao lagi kuliah ME yg susah, belajar apa enga jelas soal fluid dynamics, system dynamics, design, etc2 dan juga ministry dimanapun kalo intinya semua gw yg kerjain sendiri.

Itu unek2 gw selama ini yang enga pernah gw sampein selama ini. Tapi tuh emank Tuhan baek, dia ingetin gw sekali lagi kalo berlian tuh, dimanapun dia berada, even disekitar lumpur sekalipun tetep akan bersinar. Buat apa kita jadi terang dunia kalo sekitar kita udah terang ?, kalo sekitar kita semua udah jadi terang jadinya tuh kita enga akan bisa memaksimalkan potensi kita. Diingetin banget soal ini, kalo selama ini kondisi gw tuh rasanya udah capek, kerasa enga bisa ngapa2in lagi, boro2 mikir advanced in ministry, tapi defending program aja udah susah banget. Lom lagi sekolah yang makin menjadi-jadi. Kalo gw pikir yah ngomong jujur aja. Satu2nya waktu yg gw bisa enjoy in this life is no more in care group or in church, cuma di lapangan badminton aje gw bisa enjoy waktu gw. Yah pokoknya in the whole next week I'll try to enjoy my life more aja. Meskipun susah tapi gw cuma percaya satu hal kalo setiap kita melalui ujian kita akan berkembang, apalagi kalo ujiannya susah pasti akan berkembang lagi. yah untuk saat ini percaya aja lah meskipun susah, terinspirasi tadi pas nonton film "second chance".

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Halo, nama saya Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paulu. Saya dari negara Myanmar. Saya ingin berbagi dengan anda kesaksian saya ini tentang apa yang terjadi pada saya, tetapi sebelumnya saya ingin menceritakan sedikit latar belakang saya sejak saya kecil. Saya dilahirkan tahun 1958 di kota Bogale, di daerah delta Irrawaddy Myanmar selatan (dahulu Burma). Orang tua saya penganut agama Budha yang beriman (taat) seperti kebanyakan orang di Myanmar, memanggil saya si Thitphin (yg artinya pohon).
Kehidupan di mana saya bertumbuh sangat sederhana. Pada umur 13 tahun saya keluar sekolah dan mulai bekerja di perahu nelayan. Kami menangkap ikan juga udang di beberapa sungai besar dan kecil di daerah Irrawaddy. Pada umur 16 saya jadi pemimpin perahu. Saat itu saya tinggal di utara pulau Mainmahlagyon (Mainmahlagyon artinya pulau wanita cantik), di bagian utara Bogale dimana saya dilahirkan. Tempat ini kira kira 100 mil barat daya Yangoon (Rangoon) ibu kota negara kami.
Suatu hari waktu saya berumur 17 tahun, kami menangkap banyak sekali ikan dalam jala kami. Saking banyaknya ikan yang kami tangkap, seekor buaya besar tertarik perhatiannya. Buaya itu mengikuti perahu kami dan mencoba menyerang kami. Kami jadi ketakutan sehingga dengan panik kami mendayung perahu kami menuju tepian sungai secepatnya. Buaya itu mengikuti kami dan menyerang perahu kami dengan ekornya.Walaupun tidak ada yang mati dalam kejadian ini, serangan itu mempengaruhi kehidupan saya. Saya tidak mau lagi menangkap ikan. Perahu kecil kami tenggelam kena serangan buaya itu. Malam itu kami pulang ke kampung naik perahu tumpangan. Tak lama sesudah itu, bos ayah saya memindahkan ayah saya ke kota Yangoon (sebelum disebut Rangoon).
Pada umur 18 saya dikirim kesebuah biara menjadi Rahib muda. Kebanyakan orang tua di Myanmar berusaha mengirimkan anak laki-laki mereka ke biara Budha, setidaknya satu kali, karena merupakan suatu kehormatan mempunyai anak laki-laki melayani dengan cara ini. Kami telah mengikuti adat ini ratusan tahun.
Seorang murid yang bersemangat
Pada saat saya mencapai umur 19 tahun 3 bulan (thn 1977) saya jadi Rahib. Rahib atasan saya di biara itu memberi saya sebuah nama Budha baru yang sudah menjadi adat/kebiasaan di negara saya. Saya dipanggil U Nata Pannita Ashinthuriya. Pada waktu kami menjadi Rahib kami tidak lagi menggunakan nama yang diberikan orang tua pada waktu lahir. Biara tempat saya tinggal disebut Mandlay Kyaikasan Kyaing. Nama Rahib kepala ialah U Zadila Kyar Ni Kan Sayadaw (U Zadila adalah gelar). Dia Rahib yang sangat terkenal di seluruh Myanmar pada waktu itu. Setiap orang tahu siapa dia. Dia sangat dihargai oleh orang-orang dan disegani sebagai guru besar. Saya katakan dulu karena pada tahun 1983 dia tiba-tiba mati dalam kecelakaan mobil yang fatal. Kematiannya mengejutkan semua orang. Saat itu saya sudah 6 tahun jadi Rahib. Saya berusaha jadi Rahib terbaik dan mengikuti semua ajaran Budha. Pada suatu tingkat tertentu saya pindah ke sebuah kuburan yang kemudian saya tinggali dan bermeditasi secara kontinyu. Beberapa Rahib yang sungguh-sungguh mengikuti kebenaran Budha melakukan hal yang saya lakukan ini. Beberapa bahkan pindah ke hutan dimana mereka hidup menyangkal diri dan miskin. Saya cari penyangkalan diri, fikiran dan keinginan, untuk menghindari penyakit dan penderitaan dan membebaskan diri dari kehidupan duniawi.
Di kuburan saya tidak takut setan, saya berusaha untuk mencapai kadamaian batin dan sadar diri sampai sampai bila ada nyamuk hinggap ditangan saya membiarkannya menggigit tangan saya dari pada mengusirnya.
Bertahun-tahun saya berusaha untuk jadi Rahib terbaik dan tidak menyakiti mahluk hidup. Saya belajar pelajaran Budha suci ini seperti semua nenek moyang kami lakukan sebelum saya. Kehidupan saya sebagai Rahib berjalan terus sampai suatu waktu saya menderita sakit keras. Saya ada di Mandalay waktu itu dan harus dibawa ke rumah sakit untuk perawatan. Dokter melakukan beberapa pengecekan pada saya dan memberitahu saya bahwa saya terjangkit penyakit kuning dan malaria bersamaan. Sesudah sebulan di rumah sakit saya malah makin gawat. Dokter memberi tahu saya bahwa tak ada harapan sembuh untuk saya dan mengeluarkan saya dari rumah sakit untuk mempersiapkan kematian.
Inilah penjelasan singkat masa lalu saya. Sekarang saya ingin menceritakan beberapa hal luar biasa yang terjadi pada diri saya sesudahnya.
Penglihatan Yang Mengubah Hidup Saya Selamanya
Sesudah saya dikeluarkan dari rumah sakit saya kembali ke tempat di mana para Rahib yang lain mengurus saya. Saya makin hari makin lemah dan makin susut karena badan busuk dan bau kematian, dan akhrinya jantung saya berhenti berdenyut. Tubuh saya dipersiapkan untuk kremasi dan melalui tata cara pemurnian agama Budha.
Walaupun tubuh saya mati tapi saya ingat dan sadar dalam fikiran dan roh saya. Saya ada dalam badai besar. Angin kencang meniup seluruh daratan sampai tidak ada pohon atau apapun yang berdiri, semua rata, saya berjalan sangat cepat di jalan rata itu untuk beberapa lama. Tak ada orang lain, hanya saya sendiri, kemudian saya menyeberang sebuah sungai. Di seberang sungai itu saya melihat danau api yang sangat sangat besar. Dalam agama Budha kami tidak ada gambaran tempat seperti ini. Pada mulanya saya bingung dan tak tahu bahwa itu adalah neraka sampai saya lihat Yama, raja neraka (Yama adalah nama untuk raja neraka dalam kebudayaan Asia) mukanya seperti singa, badannya seperti singa , tetapi kakinya seperti seekor naga (roh naga). Dia mempunyai beberapa tanduk di kepalanya. Wajahnya sangat mengerikan dan saya sangat ketakutan. Dengan gemetar, saya tanya namanya.
Dia jawab "Saya adalah raja neraka, si Perusak!"
Danau Api Yang Sangat Mengerikan
Raja neraka memberi tahu saya untuk melihat ke danau api itu. Saya memandang dan melihat jubah warna kunyit yang biasa dipakai rahib Budha di Myanmar. Saya memandang dan melihat kepala gundul seorang laki-laki. Waktu saya lihat wajah orang itu saya mengenalinya sebagai U Zadila Kyar Ni Kan Sayadaw (rahib terkenal yang mati kecelakaan mobil tahun 1983). Saya tanya raja neraka mengapa pemimpin saya, diikat dalam danau penyiksaan ini.
Saya tanya "Mengapa dia ada dalam danau api ini? Dia seorang guru yang baik."
Dia bahkan mempunyai kaset pengajaran yang berjudul 'Apakah anda manusia atau anjing?'
Yang sudah membantu ribuan orang mengerti bahwa sebagai manusia sangat berharga jauh dibandingkan binatang.
Raja neraka itu menjawab, "Betul, dia seorang guru yang baik, tetapi dia tidak percaya pada Yesus Kristus. Itulah sebabnya dia ada di neraka."
Saya diberi tahu untuk melihat orang lain yang ada di dalam api itu. Saya lihat seorang laki-laki dengan rambut panjang dililitkan dibagian kiri kepalanya. Dia juga mengenakan jubah.
Saya tanya raja neraka "Siapa orang itu?"
Dia menjawab, "Inilah yang kau sembah, Gautama(Budha)".
Saya sangat terganggu melihat Gautama di neraka.
Saya protes, "Gautama orang baik, mempunyai karakter moral yang baik, mengapa dia menderita di dalam danau api ini?"
Raja neraka menjawab saya "Tak peduli bagaimana baiknya dia. Ia ada di tempat ini karena dia tidak percaya pada Allah yang kekal"
Saya kemudian melihat seorang yang lain yang tampaknya memakai seragam tentara. Dia terluka di dada-nya.
Saya tanya "Siapa dia?"
Raja neraka berkata "Ini Aung San, pemimpin revolusi Myanmar".
Saya kemudian diberi tahu, "Aung San di sini karena dia menyiksa dan membunuh orang-orang Kristen, tapi terutama karena dia tidak percaya Yesus Kristus."
Di Myanmar ada pepatah, "Tentara tak pernah mati, hidup terus."
Saya diberitahu bahwa tentara neraka mempunyai pepatah "Tentara tak pernah mati, tapi ke neraka selamanya."
Saya amati dan melihat orang lain didanau api itu. Dia orang yang sangat tinggi dan memakai baju baja militer. Dia juga menyandang pedang dan perisai. Orang ini terluka di dahinya. Orang ini lebih tinggi dari siapapun yang pernah saya lihat. Dia enam kali panjang jarak siku sampai ujung jarinya waktu dia luruskan kedua lengannya , ditambah satu jengkal waktu dia rentangkan tangannya. Raja neraka itu berkata orang ini namanya Goliath. Dia di neraka karena dia menghina Allah yang kekal dan hambanya Daud. Saya bingung karena saya tidak tahu siapa itu Goliath dan Daud.
Raja neraka berkata, "Goliath tercatat di Alkitab orang Kristen. Kamu tidak tahu dia sekarang, tapi kalau kamu jadi Kristen, kamu akan tahu siapa dia.
Saya dibawa ke sebuah tempat di mana saya lihat orang kaya dan miskin menyiapkan makan malam mereka.
Saya tanya "Siapa yang memasak makanan untuk orang-orang itu?"
Raja itu menjawab "Yang miskin harus menyiapkan makanan mereka, tapi yang kaya menyuruh yang lain untuk memasak untuk mereka."
Ketika makanan sudah tersedia untuk yang kaya, mereka duduk untuk makan. Segera setelah mereka mulai makan asap tebal keluar. Yang kaya makan secepat sebisa mereka agar mereka tidak pingsan. Mereka berusaha keras untuk dapat bernafas karena asap itu. Mereka harus makan cepat-cepat karena mereka takut kehilangan uang mereka. Uang mereka adalah tuhan mereka.
Seorang raja yang lain kemudian datang pada saya. Saya juga melihat satu mahluk yang kerjanya menjaga api di bawah danau api agar tetap panas.
Mahluk ini bertanya pada saya "Apa kamu juga akan masuk ke danau api ini?"
Saya jawab, "Tidak! saya di sini untuk hanya mengamati!"
Bentuk mahluk yang menjaga api itu sangat menakutkan. Dia punya 10 tanduk dikepalanya dan sebatang tombak di tangannya yang pada ujungnya ada 7 pisau tajam.
Mahluk ini berkata "Kamu betul, kamu datang ke sini hanya untuk mengamati. Saya tak temukan namamu disini".
Katanya "Kamu harus kembali dari mana kamu datang tadi"
Dia menunjukan arah pada saya tempat terpencil rata yang saya lewati sebelumnya waktu datang ke danau api ini.
Keputusan Untuk Memilih Jalan
Saya jalan cukup lama, sampai saya berdarah. Saya sangat kepanasan dan kesakitan. Akhirnya setelah berjalan sekitar 3 jam saya sampai di sebuah jalan yang lebar. Saya berjalan sepanjang jalan ini beberapa lama sampai menemukan persimpangan. Satu jalan arah kiri, lebar. Jalan yang lebih kecil menuju ke sebelah kanan. Ada tanda disimpang itu yang berbunyi jalan kiri untuk mereka yang tidak percaya pada Tuhan Yesus Kristus, jalan yang lebih kecil menuju ke kanan untuk yang percaya Yesus.
Saya tertarik melihat ke mana tujuan jalan yang lebih besar itu, jadi saya mulai melaluinya. Ada 2 orang berjalan kira-kira 300 yard di depan saya. Saya coba mengejar mereka agar dapat jalan bersama, tetapi sekerasnya saya coba tak dapat mengejar mereka, jadi saya putar balik dan kembali ke simpang jalan tadi.
Saya terus perhatikan kedua orang yang berjalan tadi. Waktu mereka mencapai ujung jalan tiba-tiba mereka ditikam. Kedua orang itu berteriak sangat kesakitan. Saya juga menjerit keras waktu melihat apa yang terjadi pada mereka Saya sadar akhir dari jalan yang lebih lebar sangat berbahaya untuk mereka yang menjalaninya.
Melihat Surga
Saya mulai melangkah ke jalan Orang Percaya. Sesudah berjalan sekitar 1 jam, permukaan jalan berubah jadi emas murni. Sungguh murni sampai-sampai waktu saya lihat kebawah saya dapat melihat bayangan saya dengan sempurna.
Kemudian saya lihat seseorang berdiri di depan saya.
Dia memakai jubah putih.
Saya juga mendengar nyanyian merdu.

Oh, alangkah indah dan murninya!
Sangat jauh lebih baik dan berarti dibandingkan penyembahan yang kita dengar di gereja manapun di dunia. Orang berjubah tersebut meminta saya berjalan bersamanya.
Saya bertanya padanya, "Siapakah namamu?" tetapi dia tidak menjawabnya.
Baru sesudah saya tanya dia 6 kali orang itu menjawab, "Saya yang memegang kunci ke surga. Surga tempat yang sangat sangat indah. Kamu tak dapat pergi ke sana sekarang tetapi kalau kamu mengikuti Yesus Kristus kamu dapat pergi ke sana sesudah hidupmu selesai di bumi".
Orang itu bernama Petrus. Petrus kemudian meminta saya untuk duduk dan menunjukkan pada saya sebuah tempat di sebelah utara. Petrus berkata, "Lihat ke utara dan lihatlah Allah menciptakan manusia".
Saya melihat Allah kekal di kejauhan.
Allah berkata pada seorang malaikat, "Mari kita ciptakan manusia."
Malaikat itu memohon pada Allah dan berkata, "Jangan menciptakan manusia. Dia akan berbuat dosa dan mendukakan Engkau." (dalam bahasa asli Burma berarti: "Dia akan mempermalukan Engkau")
Tetapi Allah tetap menciptakan manusia. Allah meniupkan nafasNya dan manusia itu hidup. Dia memberi nama orang itu "Adam". (catatan: agama Budha tidak percaya penciptaan dunia atau manusia sehingga pengalaman ini sangat besar pengaruhnya pada rahib itu).
Dikembalikan Dengan Nama Baru
Kemudian Petrus berkata, "Sekarang bangunlah dan kembalilah melalui jalan di mana engkau datang. Katakan pada orang-orang yang menyembah Budha dan menyembah berhala. Beri tahu mereka bahwa mereka akan pergi ke neraka bila mereka tidak berubah. Mereka yang membangun kuil/kelenteng dan berhala juga akan ke neraka. Mereka yang yang memberikan persembahan pada para rahib untuk mendapatkan jasa untuk mereka sendiri juga akan ke neraka. Mereka yang menyembah rahib dan memanggil mereka "Pra" (gelar kehormatan bagi rahib) akan ke neraka. Mereka yang menyanyi dan memberikan hidupnya untuk berhala akan ke neraka. Mereka yang tidak percaya Yesus Kristus akan ke neraka.
Petrus memberi tahu saya untuk kembali ke bumi dan bersaksi tentang semua apa yang telah saya lihat. Dia juga berkata, “Kamu harus bicara dengan nama yang baru. Sejak saat ini kamu harus dipanggil Athet Pyan Shinthaw Paulu (Paulus yang kembali hidup).
Saya tidak mau kembali. Saya ingin tinggal di surga. Seorang kemudian malaikat membuka sebuah buku. Pertama-tama mereka mencari nama masa kecilku (Thitpin) dalam buku, tapi mereka tak menemukannya. Kemudian mereka mencari nama yang diberikan pada saya waktu masuk agama Budha (U Nata Pannita Ashinthuriya), tapi juga tidak tertulis disitu.
Kemudian Petrus berkata, "Namamu tidak tertulis di sini, kamu harus kembali dan bersaksi tentang Yesus pada orang-orang yang beragama Budha."
Saya berjalan kembali melalui jalan emas. Saya dengar lagi nyanyian yang merdu, yang tak pernah saya dengar sebelumnya. Petrus berjalan dengan saya sampai saatnya saya kembali ke bumi. Dia menunjukkan pada saya tangga untuk kembali ke bumi antara surga dan langit. Tangga itu tidak sampai ke bumi, tetapi berhenti di udara.
Pada saat di tangga saya lihat banyak sekali malaikat, ada yang naik ke surga dan ada yang turun ke tangga. Mereka sangat sibuk. Saya
tanya Petrus, "Siapakah mereka?".
Petrus menjawab, "Mereka pesuruh Tuhan. Mereka melaporkan ke surga nama-nama mereka yang percaya Yesus Kristus dan nama-nama mereka yang tidak percaya."
Petrus kemudian memberi tahu saya, sudah waktunya untuk kembali.
Tiba-tiba saya mendengar sebuah tangisan. Saya dengar ibu saya sedang menangis, "Anakku, mengapa engkau meninggalkan kami sekarang?"
Saya juga mendengar orang-orang lain menangis.
Saya kemudian sadar saya sedang terbujur dalam sebuah peti.
Saya mulai bergerak.
Ibu dan ayahku berteriak, "Dia hidup, dia hidup!"
Orang lain yang agak jauh tidak percaya.
Kemudian saya taruh tangan saya di kedua sisi peti itu dan duduk tegak. Banyak orang ketakutan. Mereka menjerit, "Hantu!" dan berlari secepat kaki mereka membawanya.
Mereka yang tertinggal, diam dan bergemetaran.
Saya merasakan saya sedang duduk dalam cairan yang tak sedap baunya, cairan tubuh, cukup banyak untuk dapat mengisi 3,5 gelas. Itu adalah cairan yang keluar dari perut dan bagian dalam tubuhku ketika tubuhku terbujur di dalam peti mati. Inilah sebabnya orang tahu bahwa saya sudah betul-betul mati. Di dalam peti mati ini ada semacam lembaran plastik yang ditempelkan pada kayu peti. Lembaran plastik ini untuk menampung cairan yang keluar dari mayat, karena tubuh orang meninggal banyak mengeluarkan cairan seperti yang saya alami.
Saya diberi tahu kemudian bahwa hanya beberapa saat lagi saya dikremasi dalam api. Di Myanmar orang mati dimasukan kedalam peti mati, tutupnya kemudian dipaku, dan kemudian dibakar. Ketika saya kembali hidup, ibu dan ayahku sedang melihat tubuhku untuk terakhir kalinya. Sesaat lagi tutup peti akan segera dipaku dan saya akan dikremasikan. Saya segera mulai menjelaskan hal-hal yang saya lihat dan dengar. Orang-orang merasa heran.
Saya ceritakan orang-orang yang saya lihat di dalam danau api itu, dan memberi tahu hanya orang Kristen yang tahu kebenaran, bahwa nenek moyang kita dan kita sudah tertipu ribuan tahun! Saya beri tahu mereka segala sesuatu yang kita percayai adalah kebohongan. Orang-orang merasa heran sebab mereka tahu rahib macam apa saya dan bagaimana bersemangatnya saya dalam pengajaran Budha. Di Myanmar ketika seseorang meninggal, namanya dan umurnya ditulis disamping peti mati. Ketika seorang rahib meninggal, namanya, umurnya dan masa pelayanannya sebagai rahib dituliskan di samping peti mati. Saya sudah ditulis mati tetapi seperti yang anda lihat, sekarang saya hidup!
Sejak "Paul yang kembali hidup" mengalami kisah di atas dia tetap menjadi saksi yang setia kepada Yesus Kristus. Para Gembala di Burma mengabarkan bahwa dia sudah membawa ratusan rahib lain untuk beriman kepada Yesus.Kesaksiannya jelas sekali tak berkompromi. Oleh sebab itu, pesan dia telah menyakitkan banyak orang yang tidak dapat menerima hanya ada satu jalan ke surga, Yesus Kristus.
Walaupun menghadapi penolakan yang sangat besar, pengalamannya sungguh nyata sehingga ia tak pernah ragu maupun bimbang. Setelah sekian tahun dalam lingkungan biara Budha, sebagai pengikut ajaran Budha yang setia, beralih menyatakan Injil Kristus sesudah kebangkitannya dari mati dan mendesak rahib yang lain untuk meninggalkan semua dewa-dewa palsu dan menjadi pengikut Yesus dengan sepenuh hati. Sebelum sakit dan matinya dia tidak punya pengetahuan sedikitpun tentang ke-Kristenan. Semua yang dia dapatkan selama 3 hari dalam kematian adalah baru dalam fikirannya. Dalam mengabarkan pesannya sebanyak mungkin pada orang-orang.
Lazarus modern ini mulai membagikan audio dan video kaset mengenai kisahnya. Polisi serta pihak berwenang di Myanmar sudah berusaha sekuatnya untuk mengumpulkan kaset-kaset ini dan memusnahkannya.
Kesaksian yang baru saja Anda baca adalah salah satu terjemahan dari kaset itu. Kami diberi tahu bahwa sekarang sangat berbahaya bagi warga Myanmar untuk memiliki kaset ini. Kesaksiannya yang tak kenal takut telah membuatnya dipenjara, di mana yang berwenang telah gagal menawarkan dia untuk bungkam. Sesudah dilepaskan dia terus bersaksi tentang apa yang dia lihat dan dengar.
Keberadaannya sekarang tidak jelas. Seorang nara sumber di Burma mengatakan bahwa dia di penjara dan bahkan mungkin sudah dibunuh, sumber lain mengabarkan bahwa dia sudah dilepaskan dari penjara dan sedang meneruskan pelayanannya

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Lagi baca ini terus bagus bgt :d. Remind all of us. Taken from jawaban.com forums

Tuhan Yesus
Saat aku MENYUKAI seorang TEMAN
Ingatkanlah aku bahwa akan ada sebuah AKHIR
Sehingga aku tetap bersama YANG TAK PERNAH BERAKHIR

Tuhan Yesus
Ketika aku MERINDUKAN seorang KEKASIH
RINDUkanlah aku kepada dia yang RINDU CINTA SEJATIMU
Agar keRINDUanku terhadap-Mu semakin BERTAMBAH

Tuhan Yesus
Jika aku hendak MENCINTAI seseorang
Temukanlah aku dengan orang yang MENCINTAIMU
Agar bertambah KUAT CINTAKU padaMU

Tuhan Yesus
Ketika aku sedang JATUH CINTA
Jagalah CINTA itu
Agar tidak meLEBIHi cintaku PADAMU

Tuhan Yesus
Ketika aku berucap AKU JUGA CINTA PADAMU
Biarlah kukatakan kepada yang HATINYA TERPAUT padaMU
Agar aku TAK JATUH dalam CINTA yang bukan KARENAMU

Tuhan Yesus
Ketika aku berirkrar AKU AKAN SETIA sampai maut memisahkan Biarlah kuNYATAkan kepada dia yang MENGGENAPKAN visiMu atas hidupku

DICINTAI seseorang adalah SESUATU
DICINTAI oleh orang yang KAU CINTAI sangatlah BERARTI

Tapi lebih dari yang itu ingatlah

Miliki kerinduan untuk MENCINTAI YESUS lebih
Dari SEGALA yang ada padamu
TETAP SETIA sampai pada akhirnya

Aku .. Untuk.. Kamu

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Words and Music by Reuben Morgan

Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
within your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust

The red part is really interesting. Right now I'm still trying to figure it out :D.

change of point of view

hi all, haven't blog for a while. Hehe school is surely tough and one thing that I like is that I try to change my attitude toward school. Well, for a long time I always thought that school is all about praising God and get A in the class. It's all that I know about school since I entered college but trust me, the more effort I tried to get A, the more I far away from God. That's what I felt most of the times. I have this kind of thinking, if people go to medical school, they don't need to worry about their grades. Since they'll graduate and applying their knowledges in their work place. I mean not totally slacking ok but at least you don't need to worry about grades, going to school and then listening to the professor + finally doing your best in all exams. Well I always have this kind of thinking toward other major except MY MAJOR. I always thought Mechanical Engineering is all about getting A in all exam and do perfectly in all homework + project.

This week I change the way I'm thinking, I try to apply the other major concept to what I'm doing in the school. Well I'll apply it fully on next week actually, not this week. But to be honest, when I change my perspective about school and right now the only thing I care is all about going to class, understanding the materials and do the best in exams. I don't care anymore about the grades or obtaining full score in homework. Without I realizing it, this week is actually the first week where I enjoy my college's life. It's not all about grades anymore but it's a matter about understanding the materials. That's why I start to dislike when people talk and all they care is grades. Most talking that I do is all about what you got on exam and then some other guy explaining they don't study well and bla bla bla. I rarely find any engineering student actually talk about exam's problem and how it suppose to be solved. Well, if the only thing you care is grades and you don't enjoy what you study ?Then why do you study it ? It's a very simple mind. One thing that I dislike is that if people complaining that they study too much or the material is too hard, bla bla bla. It's like you don't enjoy what you're doing, if you're enjoying it then do it and most people that I know will do it gladly. Man, but that's life that we're going through. One thing that I believe is that God will take care of us. We don't need to take care of ourselves because our father in Heaven already provide us with everything. So no need to pusing2 lah about grades :P.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Indy's tournament

well, I almost didn't attend this tournament. In the beginning I'm kinda hesitate since this tournament is too near with my exam time and plus now I need to go to Bloomington on Sunday. But out of nowhere I try this new experience since I don't have any MD partner. Start with handoko last week and now I just talk with Hery a week before the tournament that let's try playing MD for Indy's tournament. Well, I don't have any expectation, just want to play together with friend and the place is in Indy too so it won't be a problem since it won't required me to drive like 3 hours or so. So we play today and we lost the first match. It's like we're lacking of concentration to attack on the second game and end of third game. We can win comfortably in first game but they decide to play more aggressive and do a lot of shot variation. The net play haven't give me any problem but one of my opponent smash is devastating (Not as devastate as Edy though :P). it cost us the match when we can't concentrate on the last point. Then we play the consolidation match. We play the second match and we won then we cruise to final in MD consolidation. The funny thing is that we expect Budi and his partner to win the other consolidation semifinal match and they win it for like 1 minutes until they realize that they make a mistake since they're not familiar with the rally scoring. They think that they already win at 23-22 until someone told them to continue since it need a difference of 2. Then when they play again, of course they already lost their concentration and lost the match 23-25. When we play the final, the score is always very close. I never thought that we can win the final match since our opponent is much better than us (me & hery). But thanks God somehow we manage to win the first set like 21-16 or 21-19 I'm not sure but it's a very close one. During the second game, we lead the game first until they change their strategy and lead the game. It is very nervous when they lead and we make a lot of mistakes so the gap is getting bigger. Until, we somehow manage to make it even 18-18. Somehow again I'm not sure that we get 3 points consecutively and close the match 21-18. That's one of a close game, and for sure it's very fun to partnering with Brothers in Christ. One thing I learned from this badminton game is that to keep focus and never give up. I realize it during our final on second game, when me & Hery already make a lot of mistakes and make them lead the second game. In my heart I want to throw away this game since we already win the first game. But once again, He reminded me to keep fighting although it's hard and finally I decide to just give my best in the game and I don't want to think about possibilities or winning & losing and we won the game. Today the Lord taught me another lesson to never give up although the situations against you to climb up.

covering each other back

receiving serve

discussion time during break

back from clearing the ball

clearing the ball

Partnering with hery

Indy's tournament

happy bday

well just wanna say happy birthday to Frisca, Vony and Otis. Well, who can guess than in the end of September there are so many people who celebrates their birthday. :D. May God always pour out His blessing to all of you always and I hope all of you be more wise. (Anyway gw mao naruh umur mrk masing2 disini tapi takut dikejer2 nanti :P)

Saturday, September 29, 2007

watching heroes

Okay, today has been a very unproductive day for me :(. All of my day I spend watching TV series called heroes. Actually it all started by Wenie (ga ada maksud mejadikan kambing item loh :P) that keeps saying during our speech class that she wants to go home to watch heroes on NBC on Monday. Hum, at first still no impression or so but then she start to promote that I should watch it since it was a good series. That's the point when my heart start to say maybe I'll give it a try. Then in the beginning of the semester it's Michael turn to promote it to me. He said that the movie is good and he's kinda sort of having all of season 1 in his computer and he can give me if I want to. Well, that time I'm putting Heroes into something I should really try to watch and nothing wrong by only watching 1 episode and if I didn't like it I'll just stop it. Then 2 weeks ago when I went to Wenie's apt and finding that Sunie have Heroes DVD full season 1. I want to ask but kinda hesitate since Sunie isn't there at that time. Finally, yesterday after I take Wenie to grocery store since Ivan can't cook for Care Group yesterday and Wenie volunteers so I lay down a bit in the sofa. Suddenly, this idea comes out, what if I try to watch while I'm waiting since it was 3 more hours to caregroup time. Then I sit and turn the DVD on, well I kinda remembered what Sunie said a few days ago that the good show start at episode 3. But when I watched it yesterday, it thrills me from the beginning. Man, I get addicted after I watch about three episodes and decide to borrow it from Sunie (Thanks God she's coming back home early). Well, when I continue watching it after Care group I couldn't stop and I woke up today then continue watching it until it's finish. In total I watch 23 episodes in 1 days. That's crazy and the worst thing is that I just realize it after I'm done with everything. One thing that I want to share why I like the movie is that this isn't just a typical superhero movies although I admit the idea of the superhero power is kinda similar with X-men, telekinetic, teleport, superpower, etc. but the setting of this movie makes it more like drama. So it's not just all about bad guy beating up the good guy. Sometimes it makes us think about our morality. it involves moral decision and the most important thing is that this movie is similar with Spiderman. Heroes used a setting of real place in this world such as NY and LA. Plus this TV series shows that becoming a hero isn't just about having extraordinary ability but they have to deal with their common life problem such as winning election, marriage life and etc. Overall I rate 4/5 since I expect more action :P.

Monday, September 24, 2007


It used to be I'm very concern with so called talent. But John Maxwell book titled "Talent is never enough" confirms my new idea. I always thought that talent isn't everything, what matters the most is what you called "passion". Talented people won't succeeds if they don't have passion, why? because passion gives power to people to keep practicing and training. In his book, Maxwell described that he never find any people with passion lost energy to keep going forward. It really rebuked me, since high school time I always really on this so called talent. I really excel in classic physics not because I have passion for it but because I understand it easily. That's what drives me to become Mechanical engineering major and it really helps. Nowadays, I find that it was wrong. My Design class really open my eyes and start to build my passion for that. If before I always skip boring class or a class that I've understood the materials, that's totally wrong and I regret it. Well past is past, I can never changed that but thanks God for reminding me this thing. Talent won't bring you far away but passion does. One interesting conversation with Ko Bun2 yesterday is when I asked him to teach my to play guitar. He asked what do I have and I showed him, he only give me one advise, train more. I already have the basic and he share a story for me. The writer of the song "Open the eyes of my heart Lord" always go to the cafe when he can't play guitar. Everyday he just look at the person who play guitar in the cafe and feel amazed and more amazed. One day, he ask the play who play guitar in the cafe "What's the different between you and me ? how can you play guitar very well ?" The guy who play the guitar in the cafe only give short answer. "The difference is 500 hours of practice." This sharing really blessed me and encouraged me to keep going forward and train more. The big difference between us and succeed people is experience and practices.

GBU always

Chicago trip

Second time going to Chicago in this month but this trip is more interesting. It all start with my tiredness that make me get lost on the way to cie Nova & ko Bun2's house. Well, what do you expect ? I just spend almost 5 hours to fix my project after my group mates suddenly called and then there's some problem on our project while I'm doing the report. Thanks God, all three of us live in Speedway so I don't need to drive really far away to meet my group mates. Then continue with Care group which take more energy to talk about the word of God. Thanks to Ivan who help clean my apartment a bit after the caregroup so I can arrived in Chicago around 12 o'clock Chicago time. The point is after I arrived in the exit of Lake st, I make a mistake by going east where I suppose to go west. It takes 30 minutes to fix that mistake and thanks God I still can arrive safely in their place. As usual, I slept at 2 and then wake up at 7:30 since the tournament start at 9 and Ci Nova + ko Bun2's house is only 30 minutes from the tournament's place. Start with activities as usual such as warming up because Men's double is the earliest one that they'll play. Hum, this is one of the worst tournament I've ever played. I can't play as usual, bad communication in the first match and many more mistakes. It always happen to me when I play in new court and it takes 1 whole match to get adjusted. Plus, this is my first time partnering with handoko, takes more time to get adjust. Somehow I don't get the feeling of safety, every time I try to attack or play fast, there's a bit hesitant feeling inside of me that makes me made a lot of unforced error or changing into lifting the shuttle. It does cost a lot since defending isn't my type at all, in the first 2 game I felt somehow angry to myself and I don't play much. Our opponents aren't that good but they're very consistent compare to us. There's one time we manage to lead all the way 13-4 but ending up losing the set 16-21. A lot of disappointment for my own self specially because I play far below my performances. Well, we still manage to cruise until semifinal until I know we can only play it on Sunday at 10 o'clock. Hum, that's really tiring especially we have played 4 games and at that point we're only in semifinal ? It means we have 2 more games to go to win this group. Plus I need to go to the church on Sunday, with a lot of sorry I decide to walk over. But Merrel seems will play to replace me on Sunday, it sounds better since he's a better player than me. Well, I learned something from this tournament and that's the most important thing other than having fun.

On Sunday, I went to CCBC. Going to Church and sing Worship to God with Brothers & Sisters is another thing that I really look forward to in Weekend. Well, the sermon by Ps Ronny is more aimed toward working people but most of the point is still applicable for students. Tiredness still affect me a lot especially since I just drove for 3 hours and play on Saturday, somehow I manage to take 5 minutes nap in the middle of sermon :P (Luckily it's not ko Kim Liong who preach :P). It always enjoy to go to Chicago and stay over in friend's place because usually I'm the one who have guest. The most important thing is that I can have a chit chat with family in Christ so I always learned new things and able to share little things too with them. Anyway, during Saturday I talked a lot this time with ko Bun2. Specially since he'll help us (Indiana City Blessing Church) once a month. So it was a really important for him to know the condition and for me to understand his vision. Plus I can always buy some empek2 from Ci Nova :P. If you ask me why do I go this time to Chicago, the tournament isn't the main reason. Let's make it secret unless you ask me personally :P. But 3 hours driving do feels like 5 minutes though :D.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

first time ministry in Bloomington

Since pastor Chris leave us, there has been a problem in both Lafayette and Bloomington church, both of them will be lack of preacher. Lafayette was kinda lucky since they're located around highway + their church schedule on Saturday afternoon and their location is near big cities such as Chicago. Well being said, thanks for help from CCBC who are willing to rotate their minister around to go to Lafayette and Bloomington each week. But there just one problem for Bloomington, since their church is on Sunday afternoon + their location is kinda far (5 hours) from Chicago, it give some problem for Ko Kiem Liong rotation. Since before Pastor Chris leaving, he only leaves me with 1 message, the point is at least once a month I have to help to fill the empty space of preacher in Bloomington. Easier said than done, I'm not sure if I can do it. The point isn't anymore about skill, but about willingness and keep your Holiness. Speaking in Care group is easier since it's more about sharing and less serious talk. But talking in church is definitely more serious one. One thing that makes me hesitate even until 1 day before I should minister in Bloomington church is that I know if I accept this I have to keep my Holiness before Him even more. My hesitation goes away when I talk with Ko Bernard, he encourages me to take the step even though all of my problem with Sin haven't finished yet. He said when I takes the responsibility it'll help me to go to higher level. Indeed, he helps me building my confidence. So last Sunday I do my minister in Bloomington, the church isn't big at all. Still I can't get rid of my nervousness, even though it's my second time speaking in the church, sharing my story. Thanks God, the nervous feeling start to fade away with the time goes. The church only consist 8 people. But I believe one thing, everything that we sow, we will reap it and when it comes to God. Number doesn't really matter, the one that really matter is faithfulness. Being faithful to Him mean obeying Him in all condition. It always feels good when I pray for other people and I really want to say thanks to God for this chance. I never thought that someday I'll talk in front of the church, one thing that I never dreamed. Well, God is indeed faithful and His plan is higher than our plan. That's one thing that I know for sure.

This week Badminton tournament

Well, it's been a long time for me to play in the tournament. One of the big difference with the previous tournaments is that I always play Men Double with Stephanus, he's a very strong guy in the back. Usually, I just play in front of the net and make the kills or setting up for smash and Stephanus is the one who make the smash to kill it or make it half court return so I can kill it. That's the way we play and we're surely will lose if we change positions ( me in the back and he's in the front). We never win but we always learn something from every tournaments we play together. Start from getting rid of our nervousness, better combination, control of emotion, change of tactics and also understand each other better. This time I'll play with Handoko and it means a big change for me, I'll be no longer play only in the front and I have to make early kill in the match since it'll be hard for us to win if it's goes to rally. The key point is to find out other player weakness and keep attacking it so they can't resist it. It's easy to say if you're outside of the court and watching people play. But inside the court if you're playing, it's totally different. The only skill I've been practicing lately is to make my smash more accurate by aiming the line on the side since my smash is really2 weak. It has been goes really well so far, it just I need more consistency and better understanding of my partner. Well, I don't have any target so it'll be good for me since I'll play without any worries.


This week is full of pressure on me, tons of homeworks and the most disturbing thing is that 3 exams next week combined with 1 project due this Friday. I haven't feel this thing since 3 years ago. I really need to do well to boost my confidence for the rest of the semester. All of those class isn't an easy one. But this time of pressure is a good time to remind myself to surrender to God. Well, the big difference between 3 years ago and now is that now I enjoy it since I really like the subject and praying to God makes a very big differences to my mental state.

New partnership

Good news, IUPUI just made a partnership with Indygo Bus service. Basically, right now all of IUPUI student can use Indygo bus service for free to any destinations and anytime. We just need to pick up a student pass in Student ID office. Well, this is certainly a good news for me since right now I can just use the bus to go to school, it saves my car gasoline and mileages. Thanks God for that :D.

Chicago trip

Last week I just went to Chicago for trip. I considered myself a little bit weird since last week through 2 more weeks from now is the busiest weeks I'll go through this semester. Start from MATH 537 Homework that's actually will be graded equal to exam grade, Design Project class that didn't go as good as it supposed to be due to lack of communication, tons of homeworks and etc. Anyway, it starts from Patricia who can't take Pamelia to Chicago since she'll have tons materials for her exams this week and Pamelia is going back to San Jose this week. So the only chance for her to visit Chicago will be last weekend. Well, her parents definitely won't allow her to go to Chicago alone, so I decide to take her with Wennie to Chicago to look around. Don't ask me why I want to go, anyway at first Patricia said to me to just sit beside Pamelia and let her drive. In my mind I said "what ? There's not many girl who dare to drive in Chicago and I'm not sure if Pamelia is one of it" (notes: Chicago traffic is crazy :P). Later on Pamelia made a testimony that at first she thought of driving to Chicago but after we returned she said that it was a mistake, since the road is very complicated. So I planned my trip and on Friday night, there's a change of plan since Evan (Pamelia's cousin want to join to visit his brother in Chicago).On Saturday morning we went to IKEA first to buy a book shelf for Wennie and then after that we eat in Asian Noodle house. Next destination is downtown or Millennium park as first destination in Downtown. There's a bit delay in our plan since we arrived later than it supposed to be so we don't have time to visit the aquarium, planetarium and Museum. We go directly to take a architectural tour using boat. It was my second time taking that boat and it's very fun hearing explanation of each building in Chicago. We ate dinner in Kien Kee restaurant (Chinatown) with Evan's brother and that time Pamelia make a decision to stay 1 night in Chicago. The food is good as usual and what's more surprising is that we met some people from CCBC (Chicago City blessing Church) and it's quite odd since it was 11 PM and they just have dinner (well then we're odd too).

That's quick summary about last weekend trip to Chicago and this week I'll go to Chicago again for badminton tournament with Hery and friends.

Friday, September 14, 2007

God cares

A lot of times we expect God to do big things in our life, we expect Him to give us better car, place to life, grades, etc. Today I want to share that God cares every aspect in our lives including a lot of things just like He said in Luke 12:7 : "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."Even in the small things that we ask will be given to us. Many times I didn't have a chance to lift up my prayer to ask small things but indeed He is God who knows my need. It start with looking for parking spot (I copy from Debora :P), I ask God to give me the best parking spot (in IUPUI it was so freaking hard to find parking spot around noon) and He always give me a good parking spot, yesterday when I need to borrow a locker to keep my belongings but I forget my student ID card suddenly I met reza and I borrow his student ID and so I was successful and I don't need to bring all of those heavy books all the way, and last year I borrowed a book from Vishal since my friend need the book and after 2 years we never contact each other until Vishal ask me to bring his book back, I'm so confused at that moment. Especially since I never met my friend anymore, I just said I'll try to find it. Suddenly out of nowhere, I met my friends on BMV, isn't it amazing ? 2 years never met and suddenly we met in a very unexpected place and in the right moment. Right now I just got Vishal book and about to return it to him. Those things looks small but one thing that I believe, small or big thing never really matters. The most important thing is that God take care each one of us without we realizing it :D. I never pay attention of this things until today :D. Thanks Lord. Here is a song:

He knows my name
By: Tommy Walker

I have a Maker
He formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in his hands

He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
and He hears me when I call

I have a Father
He calls me His own
He?ll never leave me
No matter where I go

Thursday, September 13, 2007

play badminton in purdue

Yesterday (Wednesday) I felt so bored and pressured with a lot of assignment need to be done. To be honest I need to relax myself out and I felt so bad if I go to Budi's home and play his Nintendo Wii. So suddenly I asked Vina whether there is badminton going on in Purdue on Wednesday night or not. After she said yes and it'll start @9 o'clock I decided to go since that's one way to relax myself. I felt enjoyed if I play against good player that makes me dive all around the court and beat me really bad :P (It motivates me to play better next time and I learn something). Well, I arrived there and borrow Iecun ID to enter Corec. Then I played until like 12:30. I met some new people and familiar faces. It's just too bad I didn't have chances to play with the good player but some matches is still enough to make my mind fresh. Well, next week I'll have badminton tournament in Darien, IL. I guess it'll be around Chicago area. That's a good chances for me to visit CCBC (Chicago City Blessing Church). I felt so weak lately, do a lot of bad things on the court. The worst part is of course my weak wrist and waist. I can't do powerful drive with just wrist just like what it supposed to be and weak smash. The worst thing is that I can't move my waist as fast as it needed, it caused a lot of problem especially when your opponent attack the side of your body. Well, 1 week I guessed is good enough to make my body fitter and better to play badminton. Personally I don't have any target in this tournament, I'll play with Handoko and my only wish is that we can perform to our maximum in this tournament :D. Nothing can beat the happiness of giving your best in something, even though you failed in it but you'll satisfies in your heart.

Another thing that I realize, somehow I'm more attached to Purdue lately. The old feeling to transfer over there start to arise in myself again. That's something that contradict myself lately, if I transfer over there probably it'll make my life easier. But, if I have 1001 reasons to transfer to Purdue then there is 1002 reasons for me to stay in Indianapolis since there is something that need to be done in here.

My new bag has arrived :D

Today, my new bag for my laptop/notebook has arrived :D. I've been expecting new bag especially since my old bag for laptop is broken on the rope connector part so basically I can't bring it anywhere anymore :P. Here is the picture :

indonesia's earthquake

A powerful earthquake and several aftershocks have struck off the western Indonesian island of Sumatra, sparking fears of a tsunami.

Tsunami alerts were issued for several nations in the Indian Ocean, though some have now been lifted.

Buildings collapsed on the west coast of Sumatra. Hospitals are on alert in case there are significant casualties.

A massive undersea earthquake sparked a tsunami that killed more than 220,000 people in December 2004.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre issued an alert for the entire Indian Ocean region following Wednesday's main quake, which the US Geological Survey said measured 8.4.

Danger eases

Besides Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and a number of small islands were put on alert. Kenya, on the western rim of the ocean, also raised the alarm.

There were unconfirmed reports of a small tsunami - estimated at 1-3m (3-10ft) hitting the Sumatran coast - but not causing major damage.

But about two hours after the quake, Indonesia's meteorology agency said the danger of a serious tsunami had passed, and Sri Lanka and India also dropped their alerts.

Wednesday's main earthquake struck at 1810 (1110 GMT), about 30km (18 miles) under the sea, some 130km (80 miles) south-west of the city of Bengkulu, the US Geological Survey said.

Local media said buildings had collapsed in Padang, the capital of the province of West Sumatra, and in the town of Mukomuko.

There were also reports of inhabitants fleeing swaying buildings in the capital Jakarta, 600km (370 miles) away, and in Singapore.

"You could see the road as if it was waving, people could hardly walk so they just lay flat on the road. I could also feel the earth I was standing on was like the sea," Zulkifli Lubis, a local journalist in Bengkulu, told the BBC.


Officials said it was very difficult to get clear communications with the area to make damage assessments.

They are sending disaster teams from the capital Jakarta, fearing that there may be significant casualties, says the BBC's Lucy Williamson in Jakarta.

Officials said at least two people had died and dozens were injured.

But as it is dark, and many of the stricken areas are be remote, it may take some time to find out how bad the situation is.

"At least one person died when he was hit by a falling tree when they were evacuating after the quake," Salamun Haris, an official from North Bengkulu district, told ElShinta radio.

"Dozens of people were injured in damaged buildings" across the district, he said, and hospitals were clearing wards in anticipation of receiving casualties.

Fearful memories

This was one of the most powerful earthquakes in Indonesia since the one which caused the Asian tsunami in 2004.

That measured 8.9 and struck under the sea near the northern Sumatran province of Aceh, triggering a tsunami that killed more than 220,000 people around the rim of the Indian Ocean.

Our correspondent says quakes on this scale are rare and memories of 2004 have made the country terrified of a repeat.

Indonesia, part of the seismically active Pacific "Ring of Fire", is frequently shaken by earth tremors.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

broke my racket

I have 1 badminton racket that I really seldom use after the incident in Terre Haute tournament. It was my NanoSpeed 7000 that I bought in Jakarta last year. Today, I play as usual (Using Nanospeed 7000) and when I play a double game with Steve suddenly I felt something weird, I miss hit the birdie about 6 times until the score was 6-0. Most of the shot that missed was drive shots. I felt something wrong with me and when it was over I continue smashing to make the score 5-6 for us then I notice something after I miss hit for this time. My Racket's frame is broken on the left side. It makes me wanna cry, this racket is the first racket that I bought and it was very expensive :(. The thing that makes me really sad is that my NanoSpeed 7000 is the old model that was out of production (Yonex start releasing new Nanospeed 7000 model in early 2007). Well, that's the thing that makes me super2 sad. A lot of memory are inside of my racket, especially memory of tournaments where I play with Stephanus. Thanks God I bought it in the official store of Yonex and the one who string my racket is a guy from that store. One thing that I notice is that when I cut the string, the tension of my string is so high, I will guess it is around 27-29 Lbs.As I can recall, it's still under Yonex warranty, so I suppose I can get a replacement when I go back to Indonesia this December. That's life, you won't realize how precious is something until you lost it.

Microwave & Book

Thanks God for everything :D.Now I can say that after waiting 2 weeks for my text book to come, now the book is sitting in my car waiting to be read by me :D. The second thing that makes me happy is that I just got a new microwave :D. I've told you before in my post that my microwave was broken and it can't heat anything up :(. But today, they decide to change it with a new one instead of fixing the old one since the problem is too much :D.