Saturday, September 29, 2007

watching heroes

Okay, today has been a very unproductive day for me :(. All of my day I spend watching TV series called heroes. Actually it all started by Wenie (ga ada maksud mejadikan kambing item loh :P) that keeps saying during our speech class that she wants to go home to watch heroes on NBC on Monday. Hum, at first still no impression or so but then she start to promote that I should watch it since it was a good series. That's the point when my heart start to say maybe I'll give it a try. Then in the beginning of the semester it's Michael turn to promote it to me. He said that the movie is good and he's kinda sort of having all of season 1 in his computer and he can give me if I want to. Well, that time I'm putting Heroes into something I should really try to watch and nothing wrong by only watching 1 episode and if I didn't like it I'll just stop it. Then 2 weeks ago when I went to Wenie's apt and finding that Sunie have Heroes DVD full season 1. I want to ask but kinda hesitate since Sunie isn't there at that time. Finally, yesterday after I take Wenie to grocery store since Ivan can't cook for Care Group yesterday and Wenie volunteers so I lay down a bit in the sofa. Suddenly, this idea comes out, what if I try to watch while I'm waiting since it was 3 more hours to caregroup time. Then I sit and turn the DVD on, well I kinda remembered what Sunie said a few days ago that the good show start at episode 3. But when I watched it yesterday, it thrills me from the beginning. Man, I get addicted after I watch about three episodes and decide to borrow it from Sunie (Thanks God she's coming back home early). Well, when I continue watching it after Care group I couldn't stop and I woke up today then continue watching it until it's finish. In total I watch 23 episodes in 1 days. That's crazy and the worst thing is that I just realize it after I'm done with everything. One thing that I want to share why I like the movie is that this isn't just a typical superhero movies although I admit the idea of the superhero power is kinda similar with X-men, telekinetic, teleport, superpower, etc. but the setting of this movie makes it more like drama. So it's not just all about bad guy beating up the good guy. Sometimes it makes us think about our morality. it involves moral decision and the most important thing is that this movie is similar with Spiderman. Heroes used a setting of real place in this world such as NY and LA. Plus this TV series shows that becoming a hero isn't just about having extraordinary ability but they have to deal with their common life problem such as winning election, marriage life and etc. Overall I rate 4/5 since I expect more action :P.

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