Wednesday, September 19, 2007

first time ministry in Bloomington

Since pastor Chris leave us, there has been a problem in both Lafayette and Bloomington church, both of them will be lack of preacher. Lafayette was kinda lucky since they're located around highway + their church schedule on Saturday afternoon and their location is near big cities such as Chicago. Well being said, thanks for help from CCBC who are willing to rotate their minister around to go to Lafayette and Bloomington each week. But there just one problem for Bloomington, since their church is on Sunday afternoon + their location is kinda far (5 hours) from Chicago, it give some problem for Ko Kiem Liong rotation. Since before Pastor Chris leaving, he only leaves me with 1 message, the point is at least once a month I have to help to fill the empty space of preacher in Bloomington. Easier said than done, I'm not sure if I can do it. The point isn't anymore about skill, but about willingness and keep your Holiness. Speaking in Care group is easier since it's more about sharing and less serious talk. But talking in church is definitely more serious one. One thing that makes me hesitate even until 1 day before I should minister in Bloomington church is that I know if I accept this I have to keep my Holiness before Him even more. My hesitation goes away when I talk with Ko Bernard, he encourages me to take the step even though all of my problem with Sin haven't finished yet. He said when I takes the responsibility it'll help me to go to higher level. Indeed, he helps me building my confidence. So last Sunday I do my minister in Bloomington, the church isn't big at all. Still I can't get rid of my nervousness, even though it's my second time speaking in the church, sharing my story. Thanks God, the nervous feeling start to fade away with the time goes. The church only consist 8 people. But I believe one thing, everything that we sow, we will reap it and when it comes to God. Number doesn't really matter, the one that really matter is faithfulness. Being faithful to Him mean obeying Him in all condition. It always feels good when I pray for other people and I really want to say thanks to God for this chance. I never thought that someday I'll talk in front of the church, one thing that I never dreamed. Well, God is indeed faithful and His plan is higher than our plan. That's one thing that I know for sure.

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